Hurry Only 6 Seats Left!

Embracing AI in BD, capture, and proposal processes can seem daunting, especially with concerns about data security, AI efficacy, and negative past experiences. Let’s address these valid objections:

Data Security and Privacy Concerns: The apprehension about using AI with proprietary information is understandable. In our “Master AI to Enhance BD, Capture, and Proposal Processes” course, we emphasize secure AI practices, ensuring you know how to use AI tools without compromising your company’s sensitive data, and showing you the secure tools we use. We cover AI security protocols and how to prevent proprietary data from being used for training Large Language Models.

Complexity and Intricacy of Proposals Too High for AI: You might think that your pursuits and proposals are too complex or unique for AI to handle. However, this course will show you how AI can tackle even the most intricate subject matters, enhancing rather than replacing your expertise. You’ll learn to use AI as a tool to manage complexity and even reduce the time you need your busy Subject Matter Experts.

Past Experiences with Subpar AI Outputs: If you’ve tried AI before and found the outputs unsatisfactory, this course will be a game-changer. We focus on advanced techniques like effective prompt engineering, chain-of-thought prompting, and AI agents to generate high-quality, sensible AI outputs that align with professional standards.

AI Might Not Be Useful for My Unique Needs: Given the diverse nature of Government BD, the course is tailored to show how AI can be beneficial across various scenarios. We explore practical, real-world applications, demonstrating AI’s versatility in handling unique and complex BD tasks across the lifecycle.

Unknown ROI and Too Much Time Investment: Investing time and resources in adopting AI may raise concerns about the learning curve immediate return. Let us assure you – we have tested these tools on our BD, Capture, and Proposals for the past year, and have quantified the improvements gained. The claims we make of at least 30% productivity gain are conservative, as with some of the BD tasks our efficiency gains were two to eight-fold. The skills you gain in this course will lead to significant time savings, improved decision-making, and higher Pwin – a clear ROI for you and your organization.

Lack of Tech Savviness: Worried about not being tech-savvy and unfamiliar with AI? We’ve got you covered. The course starts with the basics, making it accessible even to those new to AI, and gradually moves to more advanced applications.

By joining our course, you’ll gain not just an understanding of AI but also the skills to use it effectively and securely in your BD processes. Overcome these challenges and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving field of Government contracting.

Sign Up Today – only 6 spots left!

OST Global Solutions is a professional business development consulting firm. We have extensive experience in winning large, strategic bids. We can provide capture and proposal teams to develop a complete, winning proposal. Or we can provide consultants on a case-by-case basis to fill gaps on your business development team. Our services related to bids and proposals consist of team identification/negotiation, capture management, win strategy consulting, Black-Hat and price to win (PTW) services, proposal management, pricing, color reviews, proposal writing, editing, and desktop publishing.

[email protected]

(301) 384-3350

Upcoming Bid & Proposal Academy Classes

Winning Government Cost Proposals Including AI Essentials

OST Global Solutions 7361 Calhoun Place, Suite 560, Rockville, MD, United States

Developing a Winning Cost Volume course helps you increase your federal contract win probability. We focus on Government contract evaluation, pricing fundamentals such as cost buildup and cost volume elements, price strategy, developing basis of estimate (BOE), coming up with assumptions, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), cost volume narrative, winning in lowest price technically acceptable proposals (LPTA), and much more.

Register Now $1,390.00

Proposal Editing With & Without AI

OST Global Solutions 7361 Calhoun Place, Suite 560, Rockville, MD, United States

This class teaches how to edit Government proposals while working with a proposal team. Not another English grammar class, this course teaches proposal-specific professional editing skills to improve your proposals' Pwin.

Register Now $1,390.00

Foundations of Proposal Management Integrating AI

OST Global Solutions 7361 Calhoun Place, Suite 560, Rockville, MD, United States

This course provides must-have skills in managing Government proposals. It includes the proposal process, federal RFP analysis, and steps of the proposal development process from kickoff to color reviews (Pink Team, Red Team, Gold Team, White Glove) and submission. The class focuses on agile proposal management principles beyond traditional reviews that work in the current page-limited, short-deadline environment.

Register Now $1,390.00