You Can’t Put a Price Tag on Knowledge
While working as a writer, instructor, and marketing manager for OST Global Solutions, many clients have asked me about the value of OST’s classes and my feelings on professional development in general. I can say definitively that OST’s instructors and course...
Scaling the Proposal Development Mountain
Climbing a mountain for the first time can be just as unnerving to an inexperienced rock climber as tackling your first solicitation can be if you’re a proposal newbie. The process may seem paralyzingly scary at first, but just as with rock climbing, you can learn the...
Don’t Let This New Year’s Resolution Drop Off Your Radar
Nearly everyone does it. It’s a practical inevitability in life. As the minutes tick down towards the start of a New Year, we think about all the things we will do differently in the coming year. ‘ I will lose weight. I’m going to save for my dream...Reminder and Olessia’s 5 tips for proposal professionals
I am in foggy San Jose in Silicon Valley, teaching a course for Stevens at NASA Ames. It is an intense, inquisitive, and exceedingly bright group of students. Some of their questions got me to remember some truths in the proposal profession that I began to take for granted – so I am sharing them with you after quickly jotting them down at 4 am (I am still on the East Coast time).