Two Skills that Separate Average Proposal Managers from Great Ones

Two Skills that Separate Average Proposal Managers from Great Ones

Average and great proposal managers are in two different professional leagues. Average proposal managers are in the world of completing proposals, while the great ones are in the world of winning them. Mastering two key skills will help an average proposal manager...
Keeping Fit and Healthy While Working Long Proposal Hours

Keeping Fit and Healthy While Working Long Proposal Hours

 I once heard a joke about a proposal manager who died at a young age of 40 years old. At the Pearly Gates, he asks the Apostle Peter – why did you take me so young? I have been a good person, and done good deeds. St. Peter looks at him confused, and says – young? In...
Six Tips for Writing Proposals Faster

Six Tips for Writing Proposals Faster

Everyone knows that if you don’t bid, you don’t win. There is much to be said about a thorough capture and bid-no-bid process, but companies that grow aggressively also write lots of proposals. If your goal is to submit more bids, then you must figure out how to write...
What is a Proposal? The Art of Persuasion

What is a Proposal? The Art of Persuasion

Over the past 12 years, we’ve seen a lot of proposals at OST, so let’s take a minute to reflect on the definition of a proposal and how you can make your proposals better. At its core, a proposal is a sales document, regardless of whether the recipient customer is...