The Seven Deadly Proposal Sins, Part 5: Sloth

In our series covering the Seven Deadly Proposal Sins started last year, we have discussed the first four: Pride, Gluttony, Greed, and Envy. These covered the common mistakes and misconceptions we have come across throughout our work as business development...

10 Tips for Winning Government Contracts and Growing Your Business

I love that it is the official beginning of spring. This winter has been filled with proposal work, and I have had very little time to breathe. Now that it is getting warmer, and I have gotten to take some time off to do fun stuff, I am excited to start blogging a bit...

Win rates: marketing ploy or a real metric?

I had a planning lunch today for my September 17 presentation at the APMP roundtable event, when a fellow proposal consultant self-admittedly got on a favorite soap box. His pet subject was criticizing the whole notion of win rates as a metric for proposal...

The Secret of High Win Rates – Part 2

I just saw an interesting interview in Washington Technology, Capture Management Requires Planning, a conversation with Bob Lohfeld by David Hubler.I know Bob Lohfeld since he is a fellow member of the Board of Directors of the APMP. He is a veteran business...